Category Archives: FA Times

FA Times June 2020

Dear Family Alternatives Foster Families, To say a lot has happened since the last time I wrote would be an understatement. It certainly feels like many worlds ago, and that’s a good thing. In this edition of the FA Times, I’d like to share an op-ed piece from “The Seattle Times,” written by Jason Campbell, a physician in Portland. White people, I hope it has become abundantly clear that we need to step aside and […]

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FA Times May 2020

Hello! In what feels like nothing short of a miracle, we made it another month in quarantine. And Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to all of you amazing mothers out there!!! We celebrated my mom from a distance in my front yard on Sunday (I proudly sported a Vikings themed face mask). When I was giving my mother an “air hug” goodbye, I realized that I haven’t touched her in well over two months. She’s 66 […]

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FA Times April 2020

Wow. That’s the word that keeps coming to me when I reflect on the last month: Wow. When I wrote my last FA Times, I shared a poem in celebration of International Women’s Day. There was no mention of a global pandemic, the least of which, frankly, was on my mind. I remember that day vividly, as it was the last “normal” workday I recall having. And my, how quickly that changed. That was March […]

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